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Topic 1: Terms that are totally missused.
What terms should we stop using? Dave’s nominee is “Market Consolidation.” We have a lot of M&A activity – the number of IT service providers continues to grow. How much of this is simply maturity? Take that news coverage with a grain of salt.
Ryan calls out “Convergence” as the thing that just never happened. And “Compliance” as the buzzword to follow – NOT compliancy!
Karl throws “Millennial” on the pile. In particular, the use of the term to call out behavior you disagree with. Young people have always been young people. Aside from simply not being 50, they bring a lot of energy and freshness to business – as young people always have.
. . . and lots of related conversation in all this.
Topic 2: Amazon announces Sidewalk: A proprietary wireless mesh network. What could possibly go wrong?
Amazon announced dozens of new products and services recently. One of the hottest is their Sidewalk mesh project. This is a proposed standard that will fill the gap between short-range options like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, larger (long-distance) cellular networks. The idea is to make sure a bunch of vendors agree on how to implement things so they work together.
Sitting out the party: Apple, Google, and Samsung.
Topic 3: Do we really care about calendars if we sell recurring revenue?
We all seem sucked into the End of Year, End of Quarter, and other calendar-oriented sales strategies. Does that still make sense?
What’s it gonna take to get you into this car today?
Ryan pushes you to work on the customer’s calendar, not the vendor’s calendar. Karl’s a huge advocate to sending out offers at the end of the year (No sales: Just an opportunity to help the client reduce their tax bill by spending money). Dave has a tip about balancing the sales seasons.
We’ve got some great strategy ideas here.