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Dave from MSPRadio.com: https://www.facebook.com/djdave
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Karl from the Small Biz Thoughts Community: https://www.facebook.com/karlpalachuk
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Ryan from Morris Management: https://www.facebook.com/ryan.morris.5454
Topic 1: The DOD announces ethical rules for AI.
The military beats the private sector to the market — what does this mean?
Download the document at: https://admin.govexec.com/media/dib_ai_principles_-_supporting_document_-_embargoed_copy_(oct_2019).pdf
Quote: “The following principles represent the means to ensure ethical behavior as the Department develops and deploys AI.” And so the Department of Defense proposes the goal that its use of AI
systems is:
1. Responsible
2. Equitable
3. Traceable
4. Reliable
5. Governable
Related links:
https://www.mspradio.com (for Dave’s Business of Tech podcast)
Topic 2: How much life is left in the current RMM market?
What do you need your RMM to do? How long will that last?
This is a big round-robin discussion of the tools as they are today and where (whether) they fit in the IT consulting business of tomorrow.
Related Links:
Topic 3: The SMB Channel Digitization
Yikes. Is this digital transformation again?
Are you automating processes? If so, exactly what are you doing, and does it reduce your staff needs?
If you’re improving client businesses with automation, then you’re in the sweet spot or consulting.
— — —
Note about Channel Evolution Europe 2-3 December: http://bit.ly/2MYCQdd
Use code SOBEL for 25% off.
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