We’re staying positive in our home offices. But we’ve all got lots of online activity scheduled.
Mentioned: Dave and Sharon’s how-to video on hosting a virtual party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwt6hYdwUD8 and how to be a good guest at a virtual party: https://youtu.be/GLRmHARTsic.
Topic 1: Companies “doing it right” in the current environment.
Many companies are suddenly facing a new environment – and one most were not prepared for. How are they responding? We talk a few winners out there. For example:
Paypal is delaying payments on their “Working Capital” loans for ninety days. BMW – suspend the next two payments. Both of these are designed to avoid a negative hit on your credit report.
Messaging with the right tone: Examples include Nike “Stay together at home,” Coca Cola, and Burger King.
Topic 2: L.A. Wants Uber’s Big Data
Uber Sues the city of Los Angeles over access to their big data. And of course this leads into the discussion of data availability . . . and even into our previous conversation about the Contract for the Web.
Related link: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/25/coronavirus-singapore-to-make-contact-tracing-tech-open-source.html
Topic 3: “Life After” segment: Robotics & automation
Wherein we pick a technology to discuss what it will look like “after” the current economic downturn is over.
Related Link:
Book referenced: A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel H. Pink. Also a great audio book.
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