Another fun show! Please give us your feedback. And share it if you love it!
We start with a couple of major stories and finish with an eye on the future.
Topic 1: EU says their privacy laws are not being enforced appropriately in the U.S.
To make that point, a random group of hackers broke into a series of Twitter accounts. Question one: Are we doing enough to protect data privacy? Question two: Is it possible to get this right?
Can you, as a solution provider, actually do a decent job to protect your clients?
Topic 2: “Ethical Explorer Pack” for developers.
This is a cool offspring from the “Ethical OS” project. Basically, programmers wanna program. They want to create cool programs, games, and so forth. And sometimes they accidentally produce unintended consequences related to ethics and human interaction. In the best of worlds, this might have to do with blind spots. But sometimes the bias is built into the data and the processes themselves.
Basically, this is an attempt to open developer’s view of the world. At a minimum, keeping an eye on ethics is good for everyone.
Topic 3: Thinking about the quote from William Gibson: “The future is already here; It’s just not widely distributed.”
As we look at all the “Covid” related changes, there’s lots of speculation about how much of the change will stay. We start with the question, how much of the change we’re seeing is not new at all? A great example is Zoom. Many of us have been using Zoom and similar tools for more than a decade. What’s “new” to one group is not new to everyone.
Some of this is just cutting edge technology that’s just in the right place at the right time. Some is established technology that has just been waiting for an opportunity to shine. But perhaps most of it is very well established technology that has been proven in niches and is suddenly visible to a wider audience.
We touch a bit on all of our favorite topics: RMM, remote tech support, food delivery apps, AI, etc.
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That’s it for this week. Please give us a like, thumbs up, or whatever other goodness you can.
Comments and questions welcome.
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