Big Thank You to CrossBeam for including us on their list of top-12 podcasts! See the details at “The 12 Best Partnership and Business Development Podcasts (So Far)”
Topic 1: Microsoft gets into the RMM tool space.
We explore the gap between the products being offered by vendors and where the market is going. We used to build machines. Now we build stacks of tools and services.
We continue to evolve, and the environment in which we operate continues to involve.
What is the channel takeaway? Tune in.
Topic 2: The transparency of technology and how that progresses through maturity stages.
How much of an expert do you need to be? Or, more precisely, how deep do you need to go with the technology vs. understanding enough to solve client problems?
Clients just want the solution. You need to be competent, but you don’t need to explain all the details to them.
Related Link:
Topic 3: As various companies move into “our” space, how does this affect the services we’re already offering. Again, with Microsoft and others: How do they fit into the solution where I already have other solutions?
And a related question is: Do these “new” players play well with others?
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Acronis invites you to the Acronis Global Cyber Summit, this is the premier event dedicated to connecting the IT channel and IT pros with actionable insights, solutions, and strategies for effective cyber protection. Bringing together service providers, value-added-resellers, CIOs, and ISVs, the Summit is the world’s largest gathering of thought leaders and industry experts sharing insights and advances in the field of cyber protection. Featuring a long list of speakers, sign up for free at
You’ll even be able to catch Dave doing “why do we care” online. See you there.
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