Topic 1: Sony’s racing AI destroyed its human competitors by being nice (and fast)
Etiquette and risk analysis is the secret success! This perhaps suggest that talent and skill are not the only key factor to progress…and maybe not even the defining factor.
Topic 2: The Crypto Crash … Lessons from a Previous Era of Technology Crash Economics
The parallels between today’s crypto winter and the technology crash of 20 years ago are multiple … with some vital differences. What lessons can be drawn from past experience to help the industry survive the lean times? And what do you believe the next “real” phase of practical applications for crypto will be?
Topic 3: What Part of the Tech Industry Grows During a Recession? Domain Name Registration!
Data from GoDaddy shows a strong correlation between economic downturns and an increase in the number of new domains registered. In simple terms, layoffs lead to entrepreneurial startup momentum. But that’s not the only force driving the online presence market … and the value of existing “good” domain names is rising. (Another killer business opportunity for Karl, who owns many domain names.)
Sponsor Memo: FieldEffect
MSPs are frequently at the forefront of cyber security challenges. Between changing customer expectations and the growing threat landscape, you are stretched thin. Need a helping hand?
Download research sponsored by FieldEffect, and learn how offering MDR increases revenue, simplifies operations, and maximizes margins for MSPs.
This independent analysis explores the growing managed detection and response (MDR) market and how MSPs can differentiate their managed security service with the right MDR solution.
You’ll also find insights from five MSPs who have added co-va-lence, a hybrid MDR solution, to their offerings and the positive impact it has had on business.
Want to learn more? Check the link in the show notes.