Catch us LIVE May 18, 2023
SMB Online Conference for IT Service Providers
Theme: Nothing Happens by Itself
May 17 & 18 | 100% Online

Author Karl W. Palachuk has a motto for his business and life: Nothing Happens by Itself. Basically, this is a reminder that planning, preparing, scheming, and getting your mind set for success are all important – but they mean nothing until you take action.
You have to actually do something. You have to implement the things that you’ve learned. You have to take action to move things ahead.
But, more importantly, you need a plan of action. This year’s speakers will all focus on hand-on actions you can take to improve your business and be more competitive in the years ahead.
No editing. No second takes.
Join hosts Dave Sobel, Ryan Morris, and Karl Palachuk for this special live event.
You’ll see behind the curtains as we prep and produce a live show. PLUS, we’ll stick around and answer questions so YOU can be part of the show as well.
We’ll record an episode of the podcast for you — broadcast live with video!
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Not only will you stay in the know about all things KillingIT, you’ll also get industry news, events, and business tips from Karl.

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Catch the last LIVE
Bonus Topic: Quitters
The year 2021 has become the year of “The Great Resignation.” Wave after wave of people have simply removed themselves from the job market. Government subsidies are gone, but the trend continues. Are they becoming gig workers?
And more importantly, what are the long-term effects of this on the job market. What does it mean for you?
This special edition of The Killing IT Podcast was recorded before a live audience in a special presentation made possible by Cisco.