Please check out our new “Killing IT Reading List” – at
Promo: Join us at the SMB Online Conference May 19-20. As a bonus, we’re doing a “Killing IT Live” session. Check it out at
Topic 1: The Next Evolution of Facial Recognition – good and bad
Makers of facial-recognition technology are trying to figure out how to adapt to a world in which people cover their faces to avoid spreading disease.
Scouring social media and other apps for facial recognition database. Is this legal? Ethical? Also – finding children who have been victims of crimes. Sounds good, but also has some drawbacks.
How Well Can Algorithms Recognize Your Masked Face?
Topic 2: The Facebook “Supreme Court”
Facebook announces a board beyond Mark Z. to determine what is acceptable on their platform. Self regulation takes a different spin when you get to appoint the board that governs you – in hopes that governments won’t.
An interesting take-away for the previous two topics: Government regulation and self-regulation are important factors. You need to engage in these discussion with your clients.
Topic 3: Technology after the Pandemic – The Small Business Sales process
What will change after we get to leave our houses? Some things won’t go back. In addition, many people are now comfortable doing a totally-online sales pitch. Others are eager to get back to the way things were.
We add our perspective.
. . . This episode brought to you by Bob’s Metal Bending Shop . . .
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