We start off arguing about whether to investigate and breaks up some of the big online services. Listen for Dave’s challenge to the listeners!
Next up, we jump into the following article from the MIT Technology Review: Revising DNS to include Blockchain.
Questions include: Is there a problem that needs to be solved? Does anarchy and secrecy create additional issues? Perhaps the for-profit market can fend off these issues.
Finally, we revisit the question of whether a pizza (or burrito) will be delivered to our homes first by robot or flying drone. The referenced article is about Amazon’s announcement that Prime members can expect drone deliveries “within months.”
Where do you stand in the bet of Drone vs. Robot?
Well, we think it’s more interesting to debate whether we’re creating more jobs than we’re eliminating.
. . . Just another fast-pace podcast. Please give it a listen and leave us your comments and questions.
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